Box 20, Folder 33, Document 61

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Box 20, Folder 33, Document 61

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May 26, 1967

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Planning and Development
Committee of the Board of Aldermen was held on Friday, May 26,
1967 at 2:00 P. M. in Committee Room #1, Second Floor, City
Hall, :

The following members were present:

Rodney Cook, Chairman
George Cotsakis .
John Flanigen

Q. V. Williamson

Jack Summers

Absent: E. Gregory Griggs
Charles Leftwich

Also in-attendance were:

George Aldridge
Collier Gladin
John Ferren

Robert Sommerville
Jack Schmitt:

Jim Kluttz

Iz Candeub

Dan Sweat

Pierce Mahony
John Brown

The Chairman called the meeting to order and the following business
was considered:

Following a brief explanation of its origin and purpose by Mr. Gladin,
the committee unanimously adopted a resolution approving a request for
financial assistance to plan, develop, and implement a comprehensive
program of’ economic redevelopment in the Model Neighborhood.

Relative to the organization of the City's Model Neighborhood Program,
Mr. Gladin stated a proposal has been made to expand the seven member
Executive Board to nine members in order to permit an additional member
from the neighborhood involved and another from the Negro leadership at

This was unanimously approved by the committee.


Mr. George Aldridge, Director of the CIP, stated we are now approaching

the Final CIP report after two and one-half years of study. He presented
each committee member with an Agenda and background notes on today's


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Planning and Development Committee
May 26, 1967 Page 2

presentation by the consultants and then stated that two and one-half

years ago the City began with ten studies in the CIP. These were listed

as follows: Planning, Sewers, Design, Social and Welfare, Equal Opportunity
In Housing, Relocation, Economic/Marketability, Administrative, Legal and
Fiscal. He then stated that these ten studies group themselves into

basically four categories —- physical, social, administrative and governmental,
insofar as conditions, trends and implication for future development, etc.

are concerned; that these CIP studies are geared toward a program of action
and today he would like to begin a work session with the committee with a

view toward adoption of a Final CIP Program of Action; that the people who
have worked on it up to this point are not in agreement and cannot be until

a final program is in such form that it is acceptable to the Mayor and Board
of Aldermen; that the Program of Action should be detailed to meet Atlanta's
needs, its intent for future development, its capabilities and resources.

Mr. Aldridge stated he had originally reserved three dates on three successive
Fridays for the work sessions, beginning today; that whether all, or more
meetings will be needed is open at this time but the technicians felt they
have gone as far as they can go prior to involving the Mayor and Board of
Aldermen, He then turned the meeting over to Mr. Candeub.

Mr, Candeub briefly stated that the purpose of the work to date was to develop

a program for the City of Atlanta which could carry out, over a period of time,
all of the improvement needs of the City in a very coordinated fashion and

with relation to the economic needs of the City's physical requirements. Mr.
Candeub then stated that at this point there is basically two types of

items for the aldermen to consider - the form of a program for the improvement
of areas needing improvement and the scale of priorities and level of commitment.
He then introduced John Brown, in charge of their Atlanta office.

Mr. Brown addressed the committee at length relative to the above items
with the use of accompanying maps and charts, listed as follows:

Staged Program For Improvement Action

This chart divided the City into eight sectors and within each sector three
major elements of the CIP were covered, i.e., Improvement Treatment; Public
Facilities and Concentrated Social Action, These three categories were further
broken down into staging areas and three time periods (1967-70; 1971-75; 1976-83),
all geared to the year 1983.

It was explained at this point that a staging area was analogous to a BP LeHboriees
and a sector similar to a district,

Proposed Treatment

This chart indicated three types of proposed treatment: Selective Redevelopment,
Rehabilitation and Code Conservation, Priorities were indicated with color
codes and also shown were "no treatment" areas. A second map was displayed
illustrating this on a larger scale,

Planning and Development Committee
May 26, 1967 ; Page 3

Sharing of Program Costs

Three fiscal charts were exhibited. The first chart illustrated the
total cost of the CIP, as well as the City and Federal share, The second
chart showed, in greater detail, the first chart by indicating the cost
of the CIP to the City geared to the three time periods aforementioned.
The third chart showed comparative sector costs by time periods,

Mr. Brown explained that the number of years in the three time periods
varied. The first one was timed to coincide with the City's current

Capital Improvements’ Program; the second time period was based on information
available in that increment and the third represented the remainder of

the time,

Chairman Cook made the observation that the meeting was open to questions
and following a brief discussion, he concluded the meeting by saying

that the information presented was very general in nature,and that he felt
he could not make a decision unless he had an opportunity, along with the
committee, to evaluate the individual treatment of each sector in much
more detail and requested that the consultants return at the next scheduled
meeting on Friday, June 2, to present the more detailed findings of their

studies. The consultants concurred. |

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Approved: Respectfully submitted:
CA PNY Urarreal Teslos!
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Collier B, Gladin Joanne Parks
Planning Engineer Secretary




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