Box 20, Folder 33, Document 60

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Box 20, Folder 33, Document 60

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254 Alberta Drive, N. E.
Atlanta, Georgia 30305

July 14, 1967

The Board of Aldermen

of the City of Atlanta
City Hall

68 Mitchell Street, S. W.
Atlanta, Georgia

Re: Zoning Application #Z-67-50
22 acre tract on Piedmont Road
between Ivy Road and Roswell Road


Within the past year, I purchased a home at 254 Alberta
Drive, N. E. in the belief that I would enjoy quiet possession.
This has not been the case.

Since the time of purchase, it seems that I have spent
a great deal of my time attending zoning hearings before your
Board. I have gladly done this,as a homeowner must be prepared
to make his position known when his neighborhood is in jeopardy,
and I wish to take this opportunity to make my personal feelings
known to the Board.

I am concerned about the recurring statements that
numerous applicants have made to the Board that the area of
Piedmont Road between Peachtree Road and Roswell Road is no
longer suited to residential purposes. If substantial citizens
continue to live in the area and are willing to defend their ~
residences as vigorously as have the homeowners in this area,

I believe these facts clearly prove the contrary.
The Board of Aldermen
of the City of Atlanta
Page Two

July 14, 1967

It is true that some homes have been sold in this area’
over a period of years and it is true that speculators and de-
velopers have purchased the property because they are able to
pay more than a homeowner if they are confident that they can
get the property rezoned for business purposes.

I do not believe it is necessary to expand on the meth-
ods of developers who purchase residential property and allow it
to consciously fall into disrepair, thereby blighting the neigh-


At the present time, there is no way to prohibit this
unfortunate situation by direct action; however, through our
‘elected representatives, I would hope that it is possible to
stop this tactic by making it clearly understood that developers
may not create an undesirable situation and then capitalize on
it by coming before this Board and arguing that the property is
now unsuited for residential purposes, thereby requiring its con-
version to business purposes. It is my firm belief that it would
take but a few instances of the Board upholding the homeowners
in established neighborhoods to effectively halt the creation of
transitional neighborhoods. It would be ill-advised for develop-
ers to purchase such property if they were aware that the Board
of Aldermen would not grant requests for rezoning merely because
they are creating an undesirable situation in a neighborhood.

In short, gentlemen, the citizens and homeowners of
this City must rely on you to protect their interests, and it
was for this purpose that you were chosen by the voters and it
would seem to be your duty and responsibility to do so as long
as it does not interfere with the growth and development of our


This raises the question whether it is in the best in-
terests of Atlanta to preserve these neighborhoods or to allow
sprawling development anywhere developers can create an unstable
situation. If the latter is allowed to continue, the City of
Atlanta will be composed eventually of business establishments,
The Board of Aldermen
of the City of Atlanta
Page Three

July 14, 1967

housing which generally is being rented from unconcerned land-
lords and isolated residential sections of Atlanta which appear
secure but which very few individuals may take advantage of both
because of limited physical area and finances.

I am thirty years of age with a family and at the time
of purchasing my home, I considered whether it would be best to
live in the City or in an outlying area such as Sandy Springs.
After careful consideration, I chose the former because I did not
wish to divide and isolate my business and residential activities.
In general, I felt it was to my interest and hopefully of benefit
to the City to place both my business and civic loyalty in one
place and I will continue to do so if I am allowed to remain in
‘a neighborhood within the City in which I can take pride. I say
this only because I believe many families in my same age group
share the same feelings.

If, however, you feel that the City would prosper best
under the well-known "doughnut" development of many American
cities, then I concede that the application in question should
be approved.

Gentlemen, I am sure that all of the opinions and be-
liefs stated in this letter are already well-known to you and
that as conscientious public servants you have weighed them care-
fully. My only purpose in communicating them to you is to no-
tify you that this homeowner, and others as well, feel that the
ultimate questions to be decided by you are the ones stated above;
that we are aware of this situation; and that we are awaiting anx-
iously your decision. The proposed encroachment on this residen-
tial area will not strike a death blow to the entire residential
city, of course, but I suggest that it presents a classic and
typical case and the lines for future action can be seen in your

decision on this application.
Yours yy a


Peyto h daw:
254 ta Drive,

eorgia 30305"


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