Box 21, Folder 5, Document 25

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Box 21, Folder 5, Document 25

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November 1, 1967

Mr. Richard H. Rich, Chairman
Metropolitan Atlanta Rapid Transit Authority
45 Broad Street, S. W.

Atlanta, Georgia 30303

Dear Dick:

In view of the fact that a determination will soon be made on

the federal level as to whether the Urban Mass Transportation
Act should be left in the Department of Housing and Urban
Development or transferred to the Department of Transportation,
the National League of Cities is considering the position it
should take on this matter.

The Transportation and Communications Committee of NLC

has scheduled a meeting for the last week of this month, at

which time I will be asked - - as vice chairman of the committee - -
to make a recommendation; and I am writing you to ask for the
benefit of your feelings and reasons for same.


Sa assell, Jr.

SMJr:nd a
ce: The Hon. Ivan Allen, eae


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