Ivan Allen Jr. was one of Atlanta's most dynamic leaders and is credited with launching the city's greatest period of economic development and social transformation, both as mayor (1962-1970) and as a private citizen.
In 2006, a project was begun in the Georgia Tech Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts to showcase the legacy of Ivan Allen Jr's life, which included an essay and movie contest, a traveling exhibit of eight information panels, and an online teacher's guide for kindergarten through twelfth grade classes. Images of the traveling exhibit panels and the online teacher's guide are archived on this website for future reference.
In addition, in 2001, an Ivan Allen Jr. Prize for Progress and Service was established, which in 2011 evolved into the Ivan Allan Jr. Prize for Social Courage.

History did not simply happen to Ivan Allen. He actively shaped it.
Bruce Galphin - Atlanta Constitution
Ivan Allen Jr. possessed the intelligence, the broad vision, the integrity to push Atlanta to greatness.
John Sibley
He carried Atlanta when Atlanta needed carrying.
Carl Sanders, former Georgia Governor
With unflinching courage, he guided this city through some of its most turbulent waters.
Coretta Scott King
Ivan Allen is a legend in Atlanta and for Georgia Tech. He was a national leader during the crucible of the Civil Rights movement, and he always been a loyal and dedicated Georgia Tech Alumnus.
Dr. Wayne Clough, former President of Georgia Tech
This project is supported by the Georgia Humanities Council and the National Endowment for the Humanities We the People initiative. Any views, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this exhibit do not necessarily reflect those of the National Endowment for the Humanities.