Dublin Core
Box 3, Folder 17, Document 51
Text Item Type Metadata
RLY 12, 1869
EOA Plays Big Rele
life Presents A Brighter
Side To 1-Year-Old Sharon
For nearly I3. years, Sha-
, -ron Dennis” parents, bro-
thers, sisters ami friends
_ thought she was retarded. ~~
She did not attemd school.
She could not talk. And she
could not understand what
was said to her.
Today however. she goes
to school, and plays at the
Suiu-Mec EOA Center beca-
use of the work afMrs, Ber-
nice Miller, an EQA Neigh-
borhood Service Aide. She
found that Sharem was not
mentally retarded but almost
The 15-year-old black
youngster from the Mechan-
fcsville area of Atlanta liv-
ed with almost 20 family
“members in a painfully cro-
wded 31/2 room house on
Georgia Avenue.
Her family, like countless
impoverished bkack fami-
lies, earns less than $2000
ayear, —
covered Sharon but she
learned that her mother had
anearnestdesire to enroll the
child in some school, She did
not however, know the proper
procedure. The aide recom-
mended her mother send
Sharon to anearby EOA Cen-
ter until plans could be com-
pleted. The mother agreed,
But Mrs. Miller’s work
with EOA required that she -
temporarily leave Sharon
and Mrs. Harritt Darnell, a
Home Service Technician at
the Summerhill-Mechanics-
ville Center, kept in touch
with the child by frequent vi-
sits to her home and by gi-
ving helpful suggestions to
her mother.
When Mrs. Miller visited .-
the k home, she not only dis- ~
In 1968, Mrs. Miller re-
entered Sharon's life and
_discovered that she still had:
“Snot been enrolled in any
school, Immediately, she
contacted the Bryant School
for a psychological test,
the Butler Health Center
for a physical examination
and Milton Avenue School for
possible acceptance, All
went favorably,
The school putSharon inan
age-grouping since there is
no grading system and im-
mediately Sharon became in-
volved in physical skills,
grooming and oral expres-
sion, Hopefully she will ul-
timately write understand-
ably. Her progress since
1968 has been commendable,
Sharon still lives at the
-crowded Georgia Avenue ad-
RLY 12, 1869
EOA Plays Big Rele
life Presents A Brighter
Side To 1-Year-Old Sharon
For nearly I3. years, Sha-
, -ron Dennis” parents, bro-
thers, sisters ami friends
_ thought she was retarded. ~~
She did not attemd school.
She could not talk. And she
could not understand what
was said to her.
Today however. she goes
to school, and plays at the
Suiu-Mec EOA Center beca-
use of the work afMrs, Ber-
nice Miller, an EQA Neigh-
borhood Service Aide. She
found that Sharem was not
mentally retarded but almost
The 15-year-old black
youngster from the Mechan-
fcsville area of Atlanta liv-
ed with almost 20 family
“members in a painfully cro-
wded 31/2 room house on
Georgia Avenue.
Her family, like countless
impoverished bkack fami-
lies, earns less than $2000
ayear, —
covered Sharon but she
learned that her mother had
anearnestdesire to enroll the
child in some school, She did
not however, know the proper
procedure. The aide recom-
mended her mother send
Sharon to anearby EOA Cen-
ter until plans could be com-
pleted. The mother agreed,
But Mrs. Miller’s work
with EOA required that she -
temporarily leave Sharon
and Mrs. Harritt Darnell, a
Home Service Technician at
the Summerhill-Mechanics-
ville Center, kept in touch
with the child by frequent vi-
sits to her home and by gi-
ving helpful suggestions to
her mother.
When Mrs. Miller visited .-
the k home, she not only dis- ~
In 1968, Mrs. Miller re-
entered Sharon's life and
_discovered that she still had:
“Snot been enrolled in any
school, Immediately, she
contacted the Bryant School
for a psychological test,
the Butler Health Center
for a physical examination
and Milton Avenue School for
possible acceptance, All
went favorably,
The school putSharon inan
age-grouping since there is
no grading system and im-
mediately Sharon became in-
volved in physical skills,
grooming and oral expres-
sion, Hopefully she will ul-
timately write understand-
ably. Her progress since
1968 has been commendable,
Sharon still lives at the
-crowded Georgia Avenue ad-