Box 5, Folder 5, Document 13

Dublin Core


Box 5, Folder 5, Document 13

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Federal Housing Adminis-

tration (FHA) approval is ex-
pected shortly to give a major
forward thrust to plans for
high-rise luxury apartments
on West Avenue overlooking
the James River in downtown
Newport News.
A.rangements have been
under way since January
when Newport News City
Council accepted the proposal
7 of Alan A. Hoffman of Norfolk
and Leon H. Perlin, Newport
News, for purchase and devel-
~ epment of the property, which
is now a metered parking lot.
The site has been incorpor-


THE TIMES-HERALD, Newport News, Tuesday, July 22,1969 |!


fo tay

ated into Downtown Renewal
Project No, 3, adding residen-
tial aspects to the revitaliza-
tion which has the new City
Hall as its focal] point. ©

Fina] details toward FHA
clearance of the developers’
loan application were worked
out last week at a meeting in
the office of NNR&HA direc-
tor J. Allen Charles,

Present were A. R. Ferry,
FHA representative in Nor-
folk; Mrs, Beatrice Solomine,
liaison between FHA and ur-
ban renewal in the U.S. De-
partment of Housing and’ Ur-
ban Development, and Miss
Judith Lang, urban renewal
representative of HUD, both


* cee


from the Philadelphia regional

Vice Mayor B, M. Millner
and Councilman 0. J. Brit-
tingham, members of the
council committee which ne-
gotiated the property sale
agreement, also were on hand.

Charles reported today Fer-
ry has sent his endorsement
of the project to the Norfolk
office of FHA, an intermedi-
ate step toward approval from
the main office,

According to Hoffman, plans
for the 15-story structure are
in ‘‘good shape,” although he
declined to guess when it
might actually be under con-

The FHA, he said, must


Approve Tower Plan

check and approve each step
- including the physical draw-
ings - before it releases the
money. That could take sev-
eral weeks, Hoffman pointed
out. .

In addition, the City of New-
port News standards for con-
struction and zoning must be

However, getting FHA ap-
proval of the application for
loan for the project is a ma-
jor breakthrough in the effort
which has been going on quict-
ly for the past six months.

Hoffman and Perlin, under
the name of Newport News
Tower, are envisoning an ex-
penditure of some $3 million.
The property itself, between


27th and 28th Streets adjacent
to Christopher Newport Park,
will cost $76,000 - $1.50 per
square foot.

Under the agreement with
the city, construction must be
underway within six months
after deed has been transfer-
red, but Millner explained the
title will not change hands un-
til the prerequisites of finane-
ing and related details are
met . . . to insure that the
project will be carried out.

Newport Towers will have
135 apartments - 79 one-bed-
room, 46 two-bedroom and 10
three-bedroom - each with
its own balcony and positioned
to afford a view of the river.

parking spaces and_ 1,000
square feet of street-level area .
for professional and commer-
cial use. A swimming pool,
recreation room and laundry
facilities also are included.

Main entrance will be on
28th Street and doorman serv-
ice is planned. The entire
building will be served by an
intercommunications system,
Rents will cover all utilities,
including electricity,

Hoffman is one of the de-
velopers of the Golden Tri-
angle Motor Hotel in Norfolk
and currently is developing
Fort Nelson Towers, a similar
residential project in Ports-

There will be 135 on-premise | muuth’s renewal area,


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