Dublin Core
Box 8, Folder 16, Document 36
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Soand won took Bewmee pd eee S
SECQTEM At 67; FarcLecio ey t
- oe wus &
3 a 2/24/67
Tisny ‘
Pasidential Stability. The majority of the home cwners have moved out of
the prosessd model neicnt box tea Leavin inexeasingly large percentage
of Jow incema rental resides his ty ef this Group results in
residential instability. sidence is not conducive t
a eet iaterest : 2 sy Zor the improvement ef the con
tentitics in hey live evect and ange of responsibility are kcal
2 icipation. Absence cf thes :
adifficult, There is : erent
#nd ether physical inpr ovenents
ble eiticens will remtin tn
attracted to it. -
There i9 a lack of acceptance on the : of the “old settlers" of the -highly
mobile newcenucys. ‘There needs to be developed a willingnces to relate to the
neveomers and assure ¢t & place in the life of the coanunity so they wht
hava a seuse of beling a
save incomes of less than
$1,053! All of
eople in 7
Ltica, en the wigsins o£
waitrents ecnforce theix sens :
Nes ROSES SATE oe efforks re bie lpond hea
by the City to impreve service mie Opportunity Atlanta, Commmity Gonnakh
uvd other public and private 13 a5 they are working with sitleeas in the
areca to help them help Crags Av These need to be greatly extended and ace
celerated to restore the confidence of the citizens in thamselves and ethers,
and to provide the motivation they need,
Vevy signtileanat. evidence of the potential of xespontible citizenship has
been demonstrated by residents of the ares, Examples of thair efforts axe ree
ported elsawhere-in this 2 The number of citizens participating in
these efforts needs to b
Ring nature, vole, and preces $es
eation and gpportuni ties
sed. These sould help
she te ninee in on setivities
leg aud the quality ef their lives.
eeeky sone level in the model neichboxhood area is less than
| j ccording to the 1960 Cansus.
for more than 60% of the eé c
reining aud experience pose ppeeial prohlienas in unters tanding S and
e ‘Limtted e 2
Se aS of enfaniliay conecpts and mathods, Verbsl cosmmicatioan wanda
‘ a9
to be in relatively simple language and at their level of experience, This
limitation also greatly underscores the-need for citizen in volvement as @
learning and participation.
residents of tha model neighborhood area have been subjected to the
mal Life exparlences of peopie in poverty including eviction. Additional
dibfatarian of people occasioned by urban renewal end expressway clearance in
the area have inerea the fear of being moved. Citizens are-suspect of
"naw" programs boing precipitated upon then,
iveas, and the model neighborhood proposed is no
that the residents do not relate to the city
d om y in which ae live. Expan-
nts of their om problems and conditions of
L 3 amu
The need is for information, interpretation and: participation to give re~-
‘assurance to sins people.
Isolxtion, Physical, social and cultural isolation are characteristic of-
en a
people in poverty strick x
exception, Exporience reveal
as a sine or even the total imme
Sion of the perspective of resid
life in relation to others in the
greatly needed. Efforts te.incre i vidual citizen“and group paxticipa-
tion have begun and need to be gréatly strengthened and increased.
mity and the’ akty at large is