Box 8, Folder 16, Document 37

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Box 8, Folder 16, Document 37

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Atlanta, Georgia
Part ZIT, Page N2Z
February 17, 1967

ng | Department
a. Urban renewal. Meetings have bsen held between the Planning Departe
ment and neighborhood groups which reside in proposed urban renewal .
areas. the meetings have been held on request from residents of ‘the target
areas, EO4 Staff, and as a result of solicitation of resident
opinions by the Planning Department.
b. Zoning and code enforcement. Fublic hearings are required by law to
be held before any land may be officially rezoned. There has been
good attendance from the people of the Model Neighborhsod Area at



e hearings.


e. Aldermanic meetings and committee masting


*. hese meetings are open
to the public. The Planning Department has tried te inform some of
the residents and EOA Staff from the Model Neftghborheed Area when
issues arise that concern its residents. There has been public
attendance at these meatings which has mainly confined itself to EOA
Staffl and residants working through its agency.

d. Speaking engagements, Members of the Planning Department Steff have
spoken about physical, social, and economic problems and possible

solutions at neighborhoed meetings in the Model Neighborhood Area,

e. Radio and television programs and interviews. Physical, secial and
economic problems and solutions of the Model Neighborhood Area were

discussed during the year o1 slevision programs. City of


radis and

Atlanes Sesft



Atlenta, Georgia
Part IfI, Page N3
February 17, 1967

Model neighborhood public meetings. Three mass meetings were
planne? by the Planning Department and the Mayor's Office and held
in the Model Neighbor heed Area during the first week of February.
The Moéel Neighborhood Pregram was explained by the Mayor and
ite Department Stsff to groups of 300 to 500 people at each
meetirs. A brief susstionnates was circulated in an effort to dis-
eover Che areas of greetent need as viewed by the residents theme
selves. A discuszion of the Model Neighborhood Program was held

aiter the questiornaire was collected. The questionnaire will be

used to help establish priorities for the Model Neighborhood Proe

Gitizean involvement in planning the structure of the Citizen Parti-
, of the Model Neighbcrhocd Application. Three meete

itizen participation in

EOA and Counell of Neighe-

Community Council and

Held later in January to

Third Msectre, Planning Department, Urban League, Police Dee

ee &

pertmens, Crime Preventive Eureayn, EQOA, CCAA, CNAC, and resi=


wis) et or = sania ot Ting
det.ts of area. . Structure as

in applicatian discussed

and infarmaliy dasidead upon,
Atlanta, Georgia
Part III, Page N4
February 17, 1967

Economic Opportunity Atlanta, Inc. (EOA), The Community Action Agency

operates three Neighborhood Service Centers in the Model Neighborhood

Price, Pittsburg, and Summerville-Mechanicsville (Sum-Mec).
Organized block clubs held elections for official representatives
on three Citizens Neighborhood Advisory Councils (CNAGs). These
neighborhood groups meet monthly, discuss community problems, work
with component Area Block groups, and become exposed to total city
resources and problems.
The CNAC acts as a sounding board for problems from individual

Area Blocks and a vehicle for the EOA center staff in communicating
with the community. CNACs have representation on a Citizens
Central Advisory Council.
EOA works with neighborhood, social and church groups at their
request who have specific interests or group needs.
A Technical Néighborhood Advisory Council in each area, composed
of leaders and professionals living or working therein, are
resource people to help the less fortunate people of the center
area. The CNAC for each neighborhood center discusses physical,
economic and social problems and possible solutions.
Selected and trained residents of the center areas serve as salaried
neighborhood aides for each phase of EOA activity.
Citizen participation activities in center programs include:
Price Area recreational council, Price business improvement classes,
Pittsburg community center project, Sum-Mec Development Enterprises,
Inc., Good Neighbors Club (Sum-Mec), and Sum-Mec Pilot Project in

citizenship training.
Atlanta, Georgia
Part III, Page N5
February 17, 1967
Specific activities concerning Model Neighborhood Program in center

programs are: beginning in February, 1966, EOA, Summec and Price

leaders held meetings of staff, CNAC and heads of organizations of
southeast Atlanta to acquaint themselves with Demonstration Cities
bill and determine a plan of action. They requested the city to make
application for Demonstration Cities funds, asked to be the first

| area to receive assistance under Demonstration Cities Act of 1966 and
| finally uddoiness themselves into: a temporary Summec-Price-Pittsburg

| "Demonstration Cities" group. About the time it became known that
this area was to be included in the eity’s first Model Neighborhood
Application, Area Block elections for CNAC representatives in the
Model Neighborhood Area were being held.

The Summec-Price-Pittsburg group held a Model Neighborhood Community
Group Workshop on February 15, 1967 to discuss the program and divided
into committees according to the Program's major activities

such as housing, health and recreation.

3. Atlanta Housing Authority

The Rawson-Washington Uxban Renewal Project was the only area within the
Model Neighborhood Area with which the Atlanta Housing Authority has

had contact. Within this area, the Authority has set up an on-site
project office for the purpose of providing information to citizens living

in the project area,

Through the Atlanta Housing Authority's Public Information Office, in-
formational brochures on various aspects of the program are made available
to citizens in the project areas. Slide presentations to civic, church,
school and club groups are presented, allowing for discussion afterward.

For special activities, radio and TV programs are arranged.



Atlanta, Georgia
Part LIZ, Page N6
February 17, 1967

in Fublic Housirg Projects occurs through the

Chiid care canters, pleyground activities,

nd Girl Scout troops, securing teachers for sewe-

and hyvetene clasgzes, stimulation of church groups to ine


asency programs such as EGA, Health, Eéucation & Welfare, Senior


wf ae
, : * ce

iwens Services, Fubiic Housing managers encourage residents to


engage themselves in the activities of the Yenants Association program,
* * yg 3 *, * JM 2 2
end excourgge cutsids community organizationg to involve public housing

“a ~«, a 3 as + " a pl a at — i rs
everéll netghborhosad activizies.

irben Renewsl


y the Mavor to promote citizen partie



ae ; ari
“nis comm? sacs has bee

renewsl project. The committee

isory committees within the urban renewal proe

jest 4reas 26 serve 2s 4 sounding board on the different aspects of urban

This projece fe fumded by she Stern ganily Fund and will be carried on
for oe year. A Community Jevelopmert Director was employed January 9,
1367 %o He fs attached to the Mayor's Office,

nate city services in selece

sad neighborhoods and develop maximum communication and participation

The Gomruntsy Bevelopment Sirector has beer involved in the Model Cities

Frogran, #e hes aided in the plernrirg of the program and is directly
Atlenta, Georeia
Part Til, FageN7
February 17, 1967

echecduling end publicity for the three neighborhood

to 311 civic groups, schools,

the greater percentage of the

‘< 220) nm ane, a «2 mtr + - +
2, Restuited s so make 24 survey on social problens
“ ¢ = 9 = a
is Summernily Feoples Towa, Pittsburgh, and Grent
+ oe
“ao e+ ES.
she p
G. Orse
a AaVe
on a
Ss JeVve

numbers but tend to concentrate on


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