Box 13, Folder 3, Document 106

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Box 13, Folder 3, Document 106

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September 8, 1966

Mr. Frank G. Etheridge
Title Building
Atlanta, Georgia

Dear Tobe:

I am delighted to learn that consideration is being
given to a proper commemorative for the Honorable
Dean Rusk, Secretary of State. I think this would
be most fitting in Atlanta and I am pleased that you
are working on it.

Il am forwarding this information to our Atlanta Civic
Design Commission which is well qualified to render
an opinion as to the most appropriate location.

Mr. Samuel Inman Cooper is the Chairman of this
committee and by copy of this letter I am asking him
to furnish us the suggestions of his committee. Upon
receipt I will be in touch with you.

Sincerely yours,

Ivan Allen, Jr.

lAJr/b x

CC: Mr. Samuel Inman Cooper


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