Box 13, Folder 3, Document 107

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Box 13, Folder 3, Document 107

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AUGUST 11, 1966
The regular meeting of the Atlanta Civic Design Commission was held
Thursday, August 11, at 2 p.m., in Committee Room #4, City Hall, with the
following members present: Messrs. Sam'l I. Cooper, Chairman; Joseph H.

Perrin, Vice-Chairman; Harry J. Baldwin, Julian Harris, John Portman, W. L.

Calloway, H. K. McCain, and Mrs. Edith Henderson,
Minutes of the July 28 meeting were approved,

Chairman Cooper read the following:

(a) Form letter to be sent to architects thanking them for projects
submitted for review;

(b) Letter to Mr. Sweat. This letter was read to the Commission two
weeks ago,

(c) Letter to Mr. Ernest Davis, This letter was read to Vice-Chairman
Perrin over the telephone prior to being mailed,

(d) Letter from Mr. Jack Delius regarding the Mozley Park Recreation

(e) Letter from Mr, Eric Harkness dated August 3, 1966, stating that
Urban Beautification is progressing and also requesting a committee
be set up to work with him on this project and attaching a list of
objectives, This letter was passed around to all members present

for their review,

Regarding the above letter and request for a committee, Chairman
Cooper suggested that Mr. John Gould be appointed as the Commission's

official contact with Mr. Harkness,
The Commission discussed the availability of funds from the Federal
Government for projects, It was brought out that while the City of Atlanta
did not have any funds and could not participate in this program, they would
act as an agent for the Commission and make application to the Federal
Government for funds. It was asked at this point if funds could be obtained
from private enterprise to begin a project, if this would in any way
jeopardize the application to the Federal Government. Chairman Cooper
stated that the Commission was not qualified to answer this question. An

effort would be made to have an opinion rendered on this matter,

The Commission discussed the feasibility of having a scale model of
the downtown area made, It was unanimously agreed this would give a better
perspective as to what could be done in a given area and what the results
would be when finished. Also in dealing with owners of undeveloped property,
it would enable the Commission to better explain what they could do and how
it would look when it was finished. The Commission then discussed ways
and means of acquiring such a model. Mr. Calloway suggested that maybe
Tech would be able to supply the Sunaiand a with a model. Mr. H.K. McCain
Suggested since his company had such a model that was not being used at
the present time, he could ask them if the Commission could use this model.
At this point, Vice-Chairman Perrin made a motion that the Commission accept
with thanks the use of the scale model owned by Finch, Alexander, Barnes,
Rothchild and Paschal, in the event it is offered, This motion was

unanimously carried.

Mr. Perrin made a second motion that the Chairman appoint a committee
to investigate ways and means of promoting, implementing and financing a

scale model of the central business district as a priority project for the
Commission. This motion was unanimously carried, and Chairman Cooper
appointed a three man committee consisting of Mr. Perrin, Mr. Cooper, and

Mr. Portman as chairman,

The subject of the Gulf Oil triangle at the intersection of the
Peachtree's was discussed and Mr, Portman provided to the Commission certain

information which was of definite interest to the members,

Members of the Commission reviewed the plans of the Simpson-Hightower

High School.

Plans for the next meeting were discussed as the Commission had an
appointment to meet at the Metropolitan Planning Commission with Mr. Glenn
Bennett. However, due to the expected absence of several of the members,
Chairman Cooper was asked to contact Mr. Bennett and try to postpone their

meeting until a later date,

The meeting was adjourned at :20 p.m,

Mrs. Gloria Keels
Recording Secretary


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