Box 13, Folder 11, Document 60

Dublin Core


Box 13, Folder 11, Document 60

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July 10, 1967

Honorable John Hood
Representative, District 124
1123 Windsor Street, S.W.
Atlanta, Georgia 30310

Dear Representative Hodd:

I have been instructed by Mayor Ivan Allen, Jr. to advise
you in writing as to the scope of our recreation and park
operation during the summer of 1967,

The summer has been rether hectic for 211 of us in the Parks
and Recreation Department for a number of reasons; first,

it is virtually a carhon copy of last summer insofar as relates
to the availability of Federal funds. Secondly, we never

know until the last minute how much money will be made avail-
able and so we heave to do a lot of planning on plein and

simple faith.

To briefly acquaint you with what we are doing, we have
established sixty-two areas where recreation supervision,
field trips, noontime snacks, etc., are being furnished to
the poverty areas of our City. The City is doing everything
humanly possible to meet the needs and demands of all its
citizens in all of the entire city areas In the last several
year, a number of new park facilities have been opened and
many are presently under construction. I would like to say
that I cannot think of a single request for a playlot that
hes been turned down, except in instances where the property
owner absolutely refused te sllow the City use of the property
or where the terrein and topography were so severe that it
was physically impossible to construct any useable area.

If anything, I am afraid that we will be criticized for
favoring Mechanicsville and Summerhill. I say this in view

Representative Hood
Page Two
July 10, 1967

of the fact that within the defined limits of these areas,
we have the only recreation house that we’ve rented, four
playlots in Mechanicsville and Operation Champ operation

at Peter J. Bryant School. In Summerhill, we have an Operation
Champ at Johnson Elementary School and a playlot on Connally
Street which is to the rear of the school. Summerhill is
one of only four areas in Atlanta blessed with a portable
swimming pool. These pools which are for instructional
purposes only were donated by the Rich Foundation. I have
already been criticized for selecting Summerhill as one

of the four areas to receive a pool but regardless of where
it might have been placed, we would have had criticism from
those communities not similarly treated.

We pledge to you our full and compiete support in attempting
to meet the needs of park and recreation facilities for all
of our citizens and I am


Jack C. Delius
General Manager of
Parks and Recreation


CC: Mayor Ivan Allen,
Mr. Charlie Leftwich





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