Dublin Core
Box 13, Folder 12, Document 17
Text Item Type Metadata
June 9, 1967
Mr. Robert Sommerville, President
Atlanta Transit System, Inc.
P. 0. Box 1595
Atlanta, Georgia 30301
Dear Mr. Soumerville:
Thank you very much for your recent cheek in the amount of
$801,05 to purchase equipment for the playlot located on Haber-
shal, near Perry Boulevard. On June 19, 1967, we will intro~
duce to the Board of Aldermen, a resolution authorizing the
acceptance of this fund and at the same time instructing the
City Clerk to deliver to your office an official copy of the
resolution, bearing the seal of the city, as a token of our
sincere appreciation for this fine civic gesture. As we
equip the Currier Street playlot you have graciously furnished,
I will edvise you of the total cost involved and thank you
again for your generous attitude and civic spirit, I am
Jack C. Delius
General Manager of
Parke and Recreation
JCD: mjh
ec: Honerable Ivan Allen, Say