Box 2, Folder 4, Document 3

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Box 2, Folder 4, Document 3

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To: Collier Gladin and George Aldridge
From: Jack, Helen Hold
Info. Only

Subject: = Schedule for Completion of Housing Conditions Survey

DATE February 18, 1969

February 19:

February 19:

February 21:

February 28:

February 2:

February 26:

As first step in beginning housing conditions survey, approval for use of data
processing time, personnel, and equipment must come from Mr. Milton Farris.

This cipproval must be gained prior to ordering cards and other tools for the

housing inspectors to use in the field. Since it will take three to four weeks

after the order is placed to receive this equipment, it is imperative that

approval from Mr. Farris be gained at the earliest possible date.

Order cards and other data processing equipment. The actual date for this
assignment will correspond to the date final approval for computer use is gained.
Rough draft of procedural manual for field inspections will be submitted to
George, John Watson, Collier, Jim Smith, and Bill Wofford for approval of

form and information.

Procedural manual will be completed, printed and distributed to housing inspectors
and other interested persons, such as training personnel and non-inspecting
members of the Housing Code Division and Planning paparieene,

Definitions pertaining to housing conditions that are now in use by various agencies
involved in the city's housing problems will be collected and assembled.

From the assembled information, the Planning Department will prepare a list of
definitions resulting from a consensus of opinion ai mail these definitions to the

interested agencies by this date.

February 18, 1969

Page Two

February 28; Representatives of the agencies involved will meet to discuss the standardized

March 3:

March 3:

March |7:

March |7:

June 20:

June 23:

definitions and reach final agreement.

Final listing of standardized definitions will be submitted to the Housing Code
Division to be used in the training program and actual survey.

Intensive two-week training program for Housing Code Inspectors will begin.

During these two weeks, the use of punch cards and check lists will be

explained to the inspectors, cost estimation procedures will be standardized
through field observation, and the standardized definitions will be explained

in the field to the inspectors.

The inspectors, after completing the two-week intensive training program,

will enter the field to begin the actual survey.

Data Processing Division will have cards printed and ready to take into the
field by the inspectors. Mr. Steve Carlson of Data Processing will supervise the
printing of original cards and programming of collected information back into


, Completion of field survey for entire city will take place on this date, allowing

the inspectors 14 weeks in the field.

By this date, collected, standardized information on every housing structure
in the city will bie been submitted to the Data Processing Division by the
Housing Code. Running of computer program to give information necessary for

developing Housing Code Compliance Program will begin at this time.
February 18, 1969

Page Three

July 14: Computer printouts of necessary housing data will be presented to the Housing
Code Division. That is, complete original information on conditions of
structures within the city will be in the hands of the Housing Code Division
at this time.

August |: Housing Code Compliance Program for next five years wili be prepared

jointly by Planning Department and Housing Code Division by this date.
September |: Housing Code Compliance Program will be incorporated into application for

Workable Program Recertification by the Planning Department.


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