Box 1, Folder 1, Document 7

Dublin Core


Box 1, Folder 1, Document 7

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November 25, 1962;

Mr. Joo C. Behrons, Chie?
Conservation and Rehabilitation Branch
Urben Reneval Division

Housing and Home Finence Agency

6L5 Peachtree=Seventh Building
Atlanta, Ceorgia = 30525

Dear Mr. Behrens:

Some time ago at the request of Mr. Willian R. Wofford, the
Building Official of the City of Atlanta, you reviewed the
draft of the S0CA Basic Housing Code and submitted some
comments. Under scparate cover, at Mr. Woffordts request,
we have sent to you three complinentary copies of this cede
as it was finally published. We are enclosing a copy of
our Publication and Price List for your information in the
event you have occasion to refer to this and the BOCA codes
in the areas which you serve.

ia Very much appreciate your taking the time to comment on
the early draft of this code and must apologize for not
earlier commmicating with you rogarding this. In the
volume of work involved it was impossible for us te
communicate our appreciation to everyone. FPlesse forgive
this oversight.

Your comments were carcfully reviewed by the Committee and
you msy find that some of them wero incorporated in the code. ©
Others may not hava been used since in the overall concept

of the Code the cormmitics may have felt it undesirable to

use them at this time. We anticipate modifications of the
code as experlonce indicates necessary and this may lead

to the adoption of some of the things previously suggested
but not accepted by the Comsittes.

The BOCA Basie Housing Code isa propared to. be used in cone
junction with the BOCA Basic Building Code. Together they
provide all the necessary authorities for the administration
of regulations governing both old and new buildings. Thoy
are based on the policy that all activities dealing with the
buildings in a community should cova under the direct supere
vision of the building official. Housing authorities or
similar local public agencies, plarming boards and other

a ee
branches of local government concerned with buildings and their use
should have the full cooperation of the building department in
determining the physical condition of the buildings and in such
other uatters as may be necessarye Violation notices and correction
orders regarding buildings should be issued by one agency only ==
the building departmenteealthough the fire prevention official may
properly issue notices and orders regarding fire hazards resulting
from the processes of handling of flammable materials over which he
has jurisdiction, and the hoalth official may issue orders regarding
sanitation - improper use of sanitary facilities or unsanitary
practices < which are under his jurisdiction. We believe that these
assumptions quite well take care of ali necessary conditions and that
they are sound and practical.

Under this arrangement appeals from administrative orders are provided
within proper limitations through provisions of the building code.
Such appeals would apply equally to orders issued in connection with |
corrections under the Housing Code as to those issued under the
Building Code.

We would welcomes any further comments you may have in connection with
this and the results of your experience or the experience of communities
with which you may come in contact in its use.

Sincerely yours,

peb/f Paul E. Baseler ,
Executive Director


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