Box 2, Folder 24, Document 62

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Box 2, Folder 24, Document 62

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—— 4

Mr. Milton G. Farris, Chairman
Aldermanic Finance Comaittee
Gulf 011 ration

P. 0. Box - Station ¢
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

Dear Mr. Farris:

I am writing as a result of a call mesting of the Atlanta Children and
Youth Services Council Executive Comittee, held this afternoon, to discuss recent
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tions for 1969 to various departments and agencies of Atlanta City goverment.
jaovdding 00 tenon vietehy $30,000 was listed for the Youth Council; this is the
same amount sppropriated for 1966,

The Youth Council submitted a documented account of the need for an
increased appropriation for 1969, as instructed by your Committee. From all
indications, the information wo submitted was neither reviewed nor taken into

consideration when 1969 budgets were processed. Or, if there was any
about the validity of our request, we have not been so informed up to

It is the Youth Council Rescutive Sanden’? penta that the Finance Com ttes
should reconsider its reported recommendation of $30,000 for 1969 for the following

1. The Council has operated at the $30,000 level for the past three years.
fo ask that these operations continue at that level for 1969 is to,
effect, reduce the scope of program and activities when you consider
requirements for even nominal increases in the cost of operations.

2. The Youth Council was totally or in part responsible for more than
$350,000 of funded proposals being channeled into Atlanta

ne 1968, ‘this indicates a high return on the City's .

$30,000 investment in Youth Council operations,

3. ‘The Youth Gounell staff has, for almost two years now, carried a
maxima work load with less than a two-man full-time professional staff.



Mr. Milton G. Parris
Samary 2, 1959

This situation simply cannot be expected to continue out of fairness
our highly competent Executive and his family.

bh. The Youth Council staff, in addition to continously working on
for federal subsidies for Atlanta programs, spends an equal amount of
4ts time coordinating and assisting with the development of local
agency programs, both public and private, throughout the City.

5. The Youth Council represents the only City-supported agency devoting
ite time 100 percent to the broad problem of coordination of youth

The Atlanta Children and Youth Services Council Exeent ive Comaittes
urgently that the Aldermanic Finance Committee consider the high-level
quality of performance being demonstrated by the Gouneil staff and the calibre of
Board members appointed by you and the Mayor -« people who give so mselfishly of
their time in dealing with problems of juvenile delinquency in the City of Atlanta,
Surely you can understand our desire to have at least minimum necessary resources
with which to carry out our delegated assigaments. We hope you will act more
favorably on our request for the 1969 appropriation than was reported recently in
the Atlanta newspapers.

Cordially youre,

Jerry Luxemburger

ec: Mayor Ivan Allen, dr.

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